
Pievineir is an circus from early 20's made by 3 wonderfully creative people but all went downhill ︎︎ ︎ ︎︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎︎ ︎ ︎pievineir circus was famous for its colorful and lively cast of performers who could do things humans couldn't , it was shut down after the remaining owner died of an suicide and no one steped up to continue it's legacy


the Wonderful cast of pievineirs characters :)

an acrobat with an motherly personality and impressive tricks to show with 𝗵⃪ops and jumps and amazing acrobatics, many of the younger audience enjoys them

an jester with an hysterical and extroverted personality ready to crack an jok𝗲⃪ , they love to have all the attention and seems to be the favorite amongst the adults

an water performer who is shown to be shy but capable to put on an show , norma𝗹⃪ly staying in their pools and interacts with the crowd alot

the brave an strong and risky one who is used in more dangerous acts invo𝗹⃪ving fire and knifes , with an soft and caring look but strong personality they are surely to impress an audience

an mute mimic and fortune teller with magical truicks up their sleeve and impresive mimicking acts , teens tend to enj𝗼⃪y them alot

the ringleader and face of the circus ready to spe𝗮⃪k loud and hype an audience with her shinning in with some magic tricks


there were six right?

o lkkr roqk O's reotm zu nkx , O's ayotm nkx glzkx grr , oy oz xomnz znu? , O tkkj nkrv , haz ynk jukyt'z tkkj zu qtuc. , or rkz utk qkkv se vxumxkyy , O corr jok nkxk kbktzagrre, "jkgx" yoyzkx ul sotk , cne gxk eua gryu nkxk , sge o tuz ngbk vkgik ot znoy otygtoze ul sotk? , rkgbk sk hk , O.. ck.. gxk tuz euax zue zu cgzin , O qtuc znoy oy haz gt mgsk lux eua , haz znkxk oy tu sgmoi , tu muuj ktjotm, znoy oy xkgroze, yzuv zxeotm zu iuvk

while searching we found characters that were used once or maybe twice that don't seem that relevant , this is separated from found art & merch because yes!
(there's still many to find!!)

I decided to make an pretty drawing of the characters we found ( ╹▽╹ )

showed up on pievineirs comic strips in news papers
an shape shifting alien ferret(?) , he was shown to be the type to mock people and an jokester, that for some reason disliked dime alot


side character in one of the pievineir movies speculated name of the movie being "golden days" , an supposed film launched after the circus started gaining lots of attraction, the character papaya is an Shiba inu (?) , that based on character art had an country voice and an humble yet picky personality

from the arcade game "pievineir circus fest" they were a character both in the game and in a few of comic strips,their in-game quest was to help find their lost bunnies for the show , from what we have they seem to be generally nice and clumsy , but also had an sibling rivalry with mime

an red panda of sorts (why is he blue??) , he was an very obscure character found in soda cans from pieviner originally, but there's talk of it also being in an movie we still don't know the name , and they are an odly very remembered character creating an kind of mandala effect

my other mom said she had an weird cardigan with this character but gave it away in an yard sale :')

Apears as an side conflict in the film CityRush, she is shown to be an high class gray wolf(?) She doesn't show much emotion

Showed up as one of the main characters of the side conflict in CityRush, he is an owl and tends to fall down Alot , also seen shape shifting from the usual pievineir human-like animal body to an entirely owl one , they have an floating top hat that along side their face area is like an weird goop

an tent owner in the pievieneir circusfest planning arcade game, in th quest you have to beat her in her own tent game, we have a recording of her apearence on the lost and found! she appears to be an type of bat
